Monday, April 21, 2014


Here's the Solution to your Easter Puzzle...

Hope you had fun with that one!

Here's ANOTHER Easter Puzzle if the first one was too hard...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

2014 - HAPPY EASTER !!


I'll post the Puzzle Solution at 9:00PM on EASTER SUNDAY!

1st Kyu Puzzle for Friday 4/18/2014

OK!   Time for the NEURON BURNER!   It's the FIRST KYU Friday Puzzle!
Now, because this one is harder than the others, I'll give you til Monday before I spoil the fun and give
you the solution!

Perhaps a Shodan Puzzle is in the works for EASTER?

Puzzle for Today (2014-04-18):

Solution for Yesterday (2014-04-17):

Monday, April 14, 2014

5th Kyu Puzzle for 4-14-2014

Time to start the week off a bit easier.  I'll ratchet up the difficulty over the week.

Puzzle for Today (2014-04-14):

Solution for Friday (2014-04-11):

Was Friday's puzzle too easy?  Too hard?  Let me know!

Friday, April 11, 2014

1st Kyu Puzzle for Friday 4/11/2014

OK!   Time to BURN SOME NEURONS!   It's the FIRST KYU Friday Puzzle!
Now, because this one is harder than the others, I'll give you til Monday before I spoil the fun and give you the solution!

Perhaps a Shodan Puzzle is in the works for SATURDAY?

Puzzle for Today (2014-04-11):

Solution for Yesterday (2014-04-10):

Would it help if I offered a prize for the first proper solution to each day's puzzle?
Thoughts anyone?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

2nd Kyu Puzzle for Thursday 4/10/2014

Still at it?  OK, Here you go...

Puzzle for Today (2014-04-10):

And tomorrow will be a bit harder yet!

Solution for Yesterday (2014-04-09):

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

3rd Kyu Puzzle for Wednesday 4/9/2014

Keeping up?  Too easy you say?   Let's turn it up a notch!

Puzzle for Today (2014-04-09):

Solution for Yesterday (2014-04-08):